Archive for the ‘Use It. Don’t Lose It.’ Category

Amusement Parks and Cell Phones…Oops

If you’ve been to an amusement park recently, you might have seen something like this:   That’s a lot of lost phones! And most amusement parks are “not responsible for lost or stolen items.” In just one year, King’s Island’s newest ride, “The Diamondback,” collected $20,000 worth of nose-diving cell phones. So, at an amusement…

Pics or it Didn’t Happen

So, you want me to believe you were free hanging backward from a cliff with one hand? Riiiiight. #PicsOrItDidntHappen Life is an adventure. One you should be able to capture with photos, texts, snapchats and location tags. Make sure you have your phone by your side while you’re braving the rapids, catching the big one…